
5 Self-Care Tips During the Coronavirus Crisis

coronavirus disease cells

It seems like wherever we turn, we’re stricken with new updates, protocols, and widespread panic about the Coronavirus disease. Truth is, a lot about the virus is still unknown and what we don’t know usually scares us. COVID-19 has changed how we live our lives on a daily basis over the past few weeks from social distancing to increased levels of anxiety. Cancelled plans and remote work are now the norm.

Although the length of impact to our everyday routine is still uncertain, there are things we can and should do to keep ourselves sane. Below are some self-care tips during these crazy times to prevent cabin fever.

1. Gather With Loved Ones Virtually

Our family had to cancel my mom’s birthday plans this year to avoid possible physical contact. To ensure we still celebrate, we will set a time to webcam as a family. We will also tap into old-school forms of communication and send her a birthday card via snail mail. Just because you’re self-isolated, it doesn’t mean you have to be alone. Use Facetime, WeChat, WhatsApp for their webcam functionalities, chat on the phone, even send letters to one another to stay connected.

2. Set Up a Proper WFH Station & Schedule

For those who are lucky enough to have jobs that allow them to work-from-home, productivity and effectiveness are likely going to be your pain points. In order to maintain a high level of output, set up a proper work station that would minimize distractions. That means, working at your living room coffee table in front of your TV may be a bad idea.

work station with laptop, coffee, notebook, and greenery on desk

In addition, make an effort to maintain your typical hours and breaks. Oftentimes, remote workers take the lack of commute time as more time to work. Avoid this pitfall by starting work at the same time as you would if you were to go into the office and “leave” work around the same time as you normally would. This will help separate between work and personal life during this time when both may mesh together in the same space.

3. Get Some Fresh Air

Social distancing yourself doesn’t mean you can’t go outside. An age-old fact is that fresh air and being outdoors can do wonders for your body and mental health. To avoid subjecting yourself to high foot-traffic places, opt to take your dog for a walk around the neighborhood, go hiking at your local state park, or even enjoy some sun from your balcony or backyard.

4. Disconnect from Social Media

Every time I’m on Facebook, all I see are posts on Coronavirus from news outlets, friends, and family. I’ve even received emails from all the brands I subscribe to on their reaction to the disease. It’s overwhelming, and frankly, soul-crushing. Even though most of these communications are meant to keep us in the loop on what’s being done to keep stores clean or how to protect ourselves in the wake of this disease, it can sometimes be too much.

If you find yourself getting bogged down by social media during this time, there are ways to disconnect. One option is to “snooze” certain news outlets you follow or even very opinionated friends. You’ll still remain “friends” on Facebook, you just won’t see their posts for the next 30 days. If you’re braver than me, another option is to delete all social media apps from your phone. Either way, you’ll feel more free and can just rely on the news your employers and close friends/family inform you of.

5. Start a New Hobby

On the positive side, staying in more means more free time to enjoy your own company. What is something you’ve always wanted to dabble in or add to your repertoire? Now is the perfect time to learn a language, exercise, start an herb garden, or kick start any of your other 2020 resolutions that you may have already pushed aside.

DIY herb garden on a window sill

We can’t control the future of the coronavirus, but we can control how we react to it. We can vow not to spread fake news. We can promise not to panic-buy and hoard supplies. And most importantly, we need to utilize this time as an opportunity to take care of ourselves, and in-turn, one another.

~XOXO Kris

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